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John Blanchard, Letzte Fragen, Malayalam

Produktinformationen "John Blanchard, Letzte Fragen, Malayalam"

John Blanchard, Ultimate Questions
Das Evangelium wird anhand von Lebensfragen kurz und bündig, aber auch umfassend erklärt: Wer bin ich? Wozu lebe ich? Hat das Leben einen Sinn? Gibt es Gott? Wie ist er? Kann er reden? Wie schlimm ist die Sünde? Was kommt danach? Hilft Religion? Wozu das Kreuz? Wie kann ich gerettet werden?
Diese entscheidenden Fragen packt das vorliegende Buch zielstrebig an - und gibt einfache, verständliche Antworten.
Die Broschüre ist auch auf deutsch bei uns erhältlich mit dem Titel: Von größter Bedeutung.
Ultimate Questions
Life is full of questions. Some are trivial, some more serious and some tremendously important. Even as you read these words you may have questions about your health, your financial situation, your job, your family or your future.
But the greatest, the ultimate questions, are about God and your relationship to him. Nothing in life is more important than this. Good health, financial stability, secure employment, a contented family and a hopeful future are all things that people want. Yet even these are temporary and eventually pointless unless you have a living relationship with God, one that
is clear and certain and will last for ever. In the following pages you will discover why such a relationship is so urgently needed and how it is possible.
The questions that follow are the most serious and important that anyone could ask. The answers are those that everyone needs. Please read these pages thoroughly and care
fully and if necessary more than once. You cannot afford to miss their message.

Sprache: Malayalam, Malayalam (Südwesten Indien)

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